Peter Luladjiev

Development Manager at @dynamicaction / @EDITD

Sofia, Bulgaria
Available for hire

My Projects

GitHub repositories that I've built.

Nocturnal Bug Tracker
HTML 0 0
Git on steroids
Ruby 0 0
Neovim configuration
Vim script 1 0
Testing i18n with nextjs
JavaScript 0 0
Roguelike game made in Godot
GDScript 0 0
Hacker News Clone
Ionic weather app
TypeScript 0 0
Javascript 2D Graphics Engine
JavaScript 1 0
Vim Configuration
Vim script 0 0
Git on steroids
Ruby 0 0
Linux, Unix, Bash Shell Pictures and Wallpapers
Shell 0 0
Code that'll help you kickstart a personal website that showcases your work as a software developer.
HTML 0 0
Testing i18n with nextjs
JavaScript 0 0
Nocturnal Bug Tracker
HTML 0 0
Neovim configuration
Vim script 1 0
Just Pong :)
JavaScript 0 0
Ruby 0 0
C++ Library for reading and writing files
Roguelike game made in Godot
GDScript 0 0
Guessing game. Part of rust book examples.
Rust 0 1
Grep-like cli tool from Rust Book
Rust 0 0
Bash completion for subversion commands and remote repositories
Shell 5 0
Front end configuration for Vagrant
Shell 0 1
Solarized Dark Theme for Visual Studio 2015
Ansible configuration to setup my Workstation

My Interests

Topics that I am most interested about.